The Brother of Jared and his Questions
Sometimes I wonder why God gives some people in the scriptures clear answers, and others that are unambiguous, and to some, he is less then clear and makes them put more work into finding the solutions. Often, I want God just to tell me what to do, and then I will do it. And I admit there are times I have a clear answer, one that is unambiguous. But most times I have to work a lot more for an answer and even then it isn't as clear as I would hope. It brings up the question of the leaders of the Church, even the prophet. Christ is the Head of this Church. Does God work with his Prophets the same way he works with me? Giving some obvious direction, but other times allowing more work and decisions to be on the mortal side of things? Let me start with one of my favorite Book of Mormon stories. It is the Story of the Brother of Jared. Specifically, when he struggled with what to do about the design he ha...